Papers/Articles are expected to be scholarly research(es) in any of the following branches of knowledge: Education, Islamic Studies, History, Languages (Arabic, English, Hausa or Yoruba), Law (Common and Shari`Ah), Library Science, Mass Communication, Mathematics, Computer Science and General Studies.
Paper/Articles desired for publication should be typed written in double-line spacing on one side of A4 papers, to be saved in Microsoft office word and should not exceed fifteen (15) pages, including references, tables and appendices (if any).
The American Psychological Association (APA) or Modern Language Association (MLA) system of referencing should be used. The author is advised to be consistent on his/her choice of referencing.
There should be a cover page indicating the title of the paper, author’s, names, designation, department/institutional and e-mail addresses, including telephone number(s).
Two (2) copies of the hard-copy and a software copy of the papers/articles should be addressed to: THE EDITOR, ILORIN JOURNAL OF THE HUMANITIES, KWARA STATE COLLEGE OF ARABIC AND ISLAMIC LEGAL STUDIES, P.M.B. 1579. ILORIN.